Think:water: excellence in water treatment thanks to quality certifications

Think:water stands out as a leader in the water treatment sector, thanks to numerous product and company certifications
that guarantee the quality and reliability of its services.

Commitment to quality and sustainability
with recognised certifications.

Think:water possiede importanti certificazioni aziendali che attestano il suo impegno per la qualità e la sicurezza.

Come membro dell’AIAQ (Associazione Italiana Acqua di Qualità), it guarantees that all its products meet MOCA food compliance, ensuring that they are safe for food contact. Inoltre, grazie all’alta qualità dei suoi prodotti e ai processi aziendali ottimizzati, Think:water ha ottenuto la certificazione ISO 9001 per la gestione della qualità e la ISO 14001 per la gestione ambientale, entrambe certificate da TÜV SÜD.

These certifications reflect the company’s commitment
to excellence and sustainability.

Why choose Think:water?
Because you deserve the best!

Discover quality without compromise.
Choose today, think of your future.

Think:water: leader in water treatment thanks to certifications

In addition to company certifications, Think:water boasts important product certifications such as ICIM (Italian Certification Institute for Mechanics), KIWA, ACS and WRAS.

These internationally recognised certifications ensure
consumers of filters and osmosis, the high quality of Think:water products. Thanks to these certifications, Think:water offers safe, reliable and state-of-the-art water treatment solutions.

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