Water and ice

Filtered water makes t he best ice. Feeding the ice maker with contaminated or hard water produces dirty, cloudy ice that melts in drinks and alters their flavour.

E' tempo di cambiare.
E fare ancora di più.

Investire in un sistema di trattamento acqua può sembrare oneroso, ma i benefici superano di gran lunga i costi sostenuti. Lavastoviglie professionali sempre efficienti, poca manutenzione e eliminazione del tempo utilizzato per lucidare posate, piatti e bicchieri.

Not all water
is the same

It is important to refine the water so that the ice machine can produce clean ice. If the water tastes bad, smells bad or contains particles, your ice will look, taste and smell just like the water. So, it’s important to filter the water that makes the ice.

Untreated water

Untreated water contains high levels of
sediments and could damage or obstruct the

Zero professional + Profine Blue
Profine Blue + Profine Ice

Hard wate

Hard water contains high levels
of calcium and magnesium.

Profine Ice
Zero Professional

Soft water

Soft water contains only small amounts of
calcium, magnesium and carbonates.

Profine Ice

Improve your ice

An ice filtration system filters the water that feeds the ice machine by eliminating chlorine, particulate matter and other contaminants that make the ice cloudy. Hard water should be treated by acting on the minerals responsible for the opaque appearance of the ice.

Treatment is worth it

Hard water creates build-up of limescale, which is a problem in ice production. When the water freezes, the minerals crystallise and make the ice opaque. Not to mention that the internal operation of the ice machine suffers from the formation of build-up of limescale. Limescale in the long run damages the equipment, which is why it is important to be in control of it, using a water softener, a polyphosphate filter or reverse osmosis.

3 reasons to choose
a treatment

Refining water
for the ice maker

Prevents blockages
in pipes

Ice, transparent
like ice!

Water treatment methods

Water treatment for ice occurs mainly in two ways.


Through the use of polyphosphate filters, calcium and
magnesium ions are “coated”, preventing their aggregation, in this way no visible
particles (calcium carbonates and magnesium) are produced
making the ice more transparent.

Reverse osmosis

Thanks to the very high degree of filtration that characterises reverse osmosis
machines, it is possible to obtain extremely “clear” water, that is, free of suspended
particles, whatever they may be.
This lets you obtain an ice that is almost completely transparent and without
any taste at all, so that it does not alter the taste of the drinks,
only makes them colder!

Ice Products

The advantage of installing an ice filter or reverse osmosis
machine is obvious: you get clearer water, free of flavours or odours.
The better the water, the better the ice.

Profine® Blue

Dechlorination and clarification
drinking water.

Profine® Ice

Reduction of carbonates
and microfiltration.


washing artist.

Profine® Zero Professional

Reverse osmosis system for water
with low salt content.

Download our
Ice Brochure

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