Profine improves water
for life and the planet.

For years, Profine has been conveying
the message that drinking from the tap
is possible and that even the most demanding
user can be satisfied.
The planet does not wait,
and neither do we.

All Profine filters
are 100% Made in Italy.

Profine filters are composed of naturally derived carbon from coconuts, extruded in blocks for greater efficiency and compactness.

These filters are particularly valued for their ability to improve the quality of drinking water, making it safer and more pleasant to drink.

Choosing Profine is a sustainable choice
that helps the environment and the family.

Thanks to Profine water,
plastic consumption is reduced.

Why choose
Profine filters.

1 filter is worth up to 1000 plastic bottles.
3 reasons to choose our Profine filters.

- 1000 plastic bottles

- 52KG CO2 input

- 11KG of oil

Water is life and our solutions help improve your life and the planet.

Profine® filters are designed and engineered to meet all water requirements. The care for the products also includes laboratory tests conducted over months, simulations of use according to their intended purpose, including periods of inactivity, and constant verification of chemical analyses between incoming water and micro-filtered water to highlight the effectiveness of the treatment.

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